1. The English translation of trademark is trademark. It can be text, graphics, or text graphics. It is a sign used to distinguish the source of goods. When a graphic mark is used we can also call it a logo. If the logo happens to be original, it will be protected by copyright from the date the logo design is completed, but the logo at this time cannot be called a "registered trademark".
2. If you apply for trademark registration with this logo pattern, it will be a graphic trademark in the trademark type, obviously because it uses graphic design elements. Only after the logo graphic has been applied for trademark registration can it become a "registered trademark" and the trademark symbol circle R can be marked on the logo. The original logo can not only apply for trademark registration, but also has original copyright and is protected by copyright.
3. However, when it comes to applying to register an original logo as a trademark, when the ownership rights of copyright and trademark rights are inconsistent, it is easy to conflict and cause a certain right to become invalid. A common situation is that the company will hire an external full-time designer to design the logo of the trademark. Xiaoqi suggested signing an agreement on the copyright ownership of the original logo work, making the company the copyright owner. Applying for the copyrighted logo to become a trademark can avoid a lot of troubles. At the same time, register the copyright of the logo so that it is protected by both trademark law and copyright law, creating a strong protective barrier for the company's brand.