In 1994, the company officially entered the British market. In 1996, the company was officially listed on the London Stock Exchange and officially landed on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange on April 2 of the same year. The largest shareholder is Hutchison Whampoa, accounting for 48 shares; while British Airways holds 22 shares. Total assets have reached US$8.4 billion. In July 1997, the company's users reached 1 million, becoming an extraordinary milestone in the company's history. In 1998, the company's shares were the best performers on the French stock market. The company has begun to vigorously expand its international business and has successfully implemented international strategies in Austria, Belgium, and Switzerland. By the end of 1999, the company had registered trademarks in Hong Kong, Australia, Israel and India. The company continues to focus on providing the best service to its customers, and in 2001 the company's UK branch topped the UK Mobile Customer Satisfaction Study for the fourth consecutive time.
Orange is a subsidiary of France Telecom and the largest mobile operator Orange in the UK and France. The company launched the largest 2.5/3G converged network in France and the UK at the end of 2004, with a coverage rate of 60%, allowing its users to further enjoy "seamless mobile broadband" services. On October 3, 2005, Orange was awarded the title of "Best International Mobile Operator" at the 2005 World Communications Awards held in London.
The Enlightenment of Orange France’s Practice to Domestic Operators
From the above analysis, it can be seen that Orange France has gone through a path from relatively closed to semi-open in terms of CP/SP development model. road. In the domestic mobile communications market, represented by China Mobile's "Monternet", operators mainly started by completely opening up the CP/SP link. There are fundamental superficial differences between the two. In essence, controlling the value chain and promoting the prosperity of the industrial chain are always two contradictory factors that affect the cooperation strategies between operators and CP/SPs. Orange pays more attention to the control of the industrial chain, while domestic operators pay more attention to the rapid expansion of the industrial chain, which leads to differences in the choice of initial development models between the two. However, in the past two years, both China Mobile and China Unicom have adjusted their original CP/SP development models to varying degrees, and various signs indicate that China Mobile is gradually abandoning the original fully open "Monternet" model and increasing its focus on The intervention of SP link. In the future, the issuance of 3G licenses and the entry of new operators such as fixed network operators will bring certain uncertainties to the domestic mobile CP/SP market structure. Based on the business practices of Orange in France and combined with the relevant development initiatives of domestic operators, we can find that controlling the value chain and effectively prospering the CP/SP link are always the main influencing factors for operators to make strategic choices.
1. Controlling the value chain often becomes an important prerequisite for operators to choose CP/SP development strategies
Currently, mobile operators have entered a stage of all-round horizontal and vertical competition. Horizontal competition refers to the competition between operators and their opponents, mainly in the competition for users; vertical competition refers to the game between operators and equipment manufacturers, CP/SPs, etc., with the focus being on competing for profit shares in the value chain. Horizontal competition and vertical competition are generally complementary to each other, which is mainly reflected in the following two aspects.
First of all, the results of horizontal competition can affect operators' vertical competitiveness to a considerable extent. As the traditional voice market becomes increasingly homogeneous and ARPU declines, operators generally actively develop data services and form strategic partnerships with some CPs/SPs in an effort to develop new core competitiveness. Therefore, to a certain extent, the development of data services and the introduction of CP/SP are the result of horizontal competition. Since operators with large user base and high market share are often able to obtain a more favorable position in the value chain, the results of horizontal competition will affect the vertical competitiveness of operators to a considerable extent.
Secondly, the success or failure of vertical competition in the value chain will also largely affect the competitiveness of operators and opponents in the market.
The intervention of CP/SP has promoted the development of data services, but it has also divided a considerable share of value chain profits. Studies have shown that in traditional voice services, network operators can obtain more than 70% of the value chain profit, but in content services/applications, the profit drops sharply to less than 40%. The difference of 30% is an important source of profit for CP/SP. In addition, the rise of Internet phone service providers such as Skype also heralds the new development and business model of CP/SP. At present, Internet phone service providers such as Skype have broken through the original PC-PC service scope and extended their services to the traditional telecommunications market through cooperation with telecom operators. Once the problems of interconnection and user service channels are completely solved, these service providers will It will be possible to surpass traditional network operators and gain a core position in the value chain.
In summary, although the competitive environment and own strengths lead to certain differences in operators' strategic choices, controlling the value chain has become an important prerequisite for operators to choose CP/SP development strategies.
2. Effectively prospering the CP/SP link should become a consideration that operators cannot ignore
Just as the introduction of CP/SP is the result of the development of mobile data services, with the 2.5G As the business gets better and the 3G market starts steadily, mobile multimedia services based on content services/applications will likely usher in new development opportunities, and CP/SP will undoubtedly become an area that operators pay attention to and vigorously develop under this market background. . Therefore, although controlling the value chain should be an important prerequisite for operators to choose a CP/SP development strategy, operators also need to control the control within a moderate range to avoid being too closed and negatively affecting the sustainable development of the CP/SP link. Influence.
For French Orange, the introduction of “Kiosk” and “Gallery” itself is a measure to further prosper the CP/SP link. Orange not only increases revenue through rich content applications, but also further consolidates itself. central position in the value chain. Domestically, mobile operators represented by China Mobile have also begun to optimize CP/SP resources through various strategies to promote their further prosperity. China Mobile first signed a strategic cooperation agreement with multinational CP/SPs such as MTV in early 2005 to actively prepare for future 3G services. Later, it adjusted the past single 15:85 content revenue sharing to different sharing strategies to further optimize CP/SP resources and lay the foundation for its sustained and healthy development.
In general, both French Orange and domestic mobile operators will still make adjustments to CP/SP cooperation and development strategies in the future based on policy controls, competitive environment and operator development strategies, in order to Effectively prosper the CP/SP link while ensuring control of the value chain, thereby continuously improving the comprehensive competitiveness in data business fields such as content and applications.
orange mobile phone business
Orange Many people think it is British. In fact, it is a brand of France Telecom and one of the largest mobile communication operators in Europe. Orange version It is the company's customized mobile phone. It is very popular in Europe to sign up for a mobile phone with a fixed monthly consumption, which is guaranteed to be used for 1-2 years. The general purchase cost is about 1 euro. For example, Apple's iPhone only has the orange version in France. The purchase price is 139 euros, and the monthly consumption is at least about 40 euros. It can have 2 hours of monthly talk time and 3 family numbers. Unlimited calls after 8pm and other discounts.
Orange Tent
Orange company uses cutting-edge PVs technology and solar energy to design this solar concept tent. The most noteworthy thing about it is that it allows freedom campers to charge all their electronic devices. This tent is easy to fold, and because it’s so lightweight, you won’t feel the burden of carrying a regular heavy solar panel when you carry it. The three sliding roofs allow you to rotate them at will, and they can be rotated according to the position of the sun to absorb the most solar energy.
Not only that, but it contains "glo-cation" technology that helps people track their location using SMS or automatic active RFID technology.
This tent can light up when it is dark, so campers can easily find their tent location. The centerpiece of the tent is a central wireless control center that displays energy totals on a touchscreen LCD display. In addition, the tent includes an internal heating element embedded in the moisture-proof fabric, also controlled from a central wireless control centre.