1. The Trademark Office official website can't find the registration information of the trademark. You can check the registration information of the trademark in official website of the Trademark Office again. If you can't find it, it means that the trademark is not registered.
2. The registration information of the trademark can only be inquired within the administrative region. If your location is not within the administrative region where the trademark is registered, you can inquire about the registration information of the trademark through official website of the Trademark Office, but you can't find the registration information of the trademark in official website of the Trademark Office.
3. The registered information of the trademark has been deleted or changed. For example, after examination, the Trademark Office has deleted the registered information of the trademark, or changed the name of the registrant of the trademark, which may result in that you can't find the registered information of the trademark in official website of the Trademark Office.
4. The registered information of the trademark has been maliciously tampered with or attacked. For example, someone tampered with or attacked the database of the Trademark Office in official website by malicious means, so that you can't find the registered information of the trademark in official website of the Trademark Office.
5. The goods of this merchant are fake and shoddy products, and the trademark is deliberately removed to increase sales.
when purchasing, it is recommended that you choose reputable merchants to purchase, and at the same time, you can compare them on multiple platforms and choose goods with moderate price and guaranteed quality to purchase.