When an individual or company registers 25 categories of clothing trademarks for its clothing products, it will first conduct a trademark search and then submit an application. After applying for trademark registration, it takes a certain amount of time for the trademark to be successfully registered. During this period, if you check the trademark process and it shows "Trademark Registration Application in Progress", what does it mean? Intellectual Property has compiled the following information for you, hoping to help you.
1. What does the trademark registration application mean?
The trademark registration application indicates that the Trademark Office has received the trademark application materials and is waiting for review.
Trademark registration is a trademark legal process. An applicant for registration of a 25-category clothing trademark submits an application, and after review by the Trademark Office, a preliminary approval announcement is made. If no one raises an objection or the objection is ruled to be untenable, the trademark will be registered and effective, protected by law, and the trademark registrant enjoys the rights to the trademark. Exclusive rights.
It takes about one to one and a half years from application to approval of registration for a trademark. There is no statutory time limit for the approval or rejection of a trademark registration application. The Trademark Office will review and announce the trademark, and then issue a trademark registration certificate. The trademark has been approved. The time period for trademark review may change at any time based on the speed of internal review at the Trademark Office. The validity period of a registered trademark is ten years, calculated from the date of approval of registration. If the registered trademark expires and needs to be continued to be used, you can apply for trademark renewal registration. Recommendations for 25 categories of clothing trademarks under intellectual property rights:
2. Methods of trademark registration
1. Registration of all categories is based on the classification principle of goods and services. The current total number of goods and services*** There are 45 categories, and trademark registration is by classification. When a trademark is registered in a certain class, the trademark is protected in that class, but is not protected in the other 44 unregistered classes (exceptions). Therefore, in order for the trademark to have the exclusive right to use (ie be protected) in any field, it should be registered in all categories.
Especially when the company operates many projects or prepares to invest in many fields, full-category registration is particularly important. Some companies believe that the current scale is not large and there is no need to register all categories. However, in fact, by the time the company needs to make diversified investments to share risks to make its brand bigger and stronger, other categories have already been registered by others. This is not good for It has a very negative impact on the development of enterprises.
2. An alternative to full-class registration—copyright registration. my country’s Trademark Law stipulates that trademark registration shall not conflict with prior rights. Prior rights include copyright. For graphic trademarks, trademark applicants all enjoy the copyright of the graphic. After registering the copyright, if it is discovered that others have registered the graphic as a trademark in other categories, they can file an objection or cancel the registration application based on the copyright they enjoy. .
The above is the relevant explanation of what is meant in a trademark registration application. Since the trademark registration procedures are relatively cumbersome, in order to make the clothing trademark registration go smoothly, it is recommended to find a reliable agency to help with the operation. One of them is a good choice. Friends who have trademark transaction needs can consider it. Class 25 trademark registration, clothing trademark registration, trademark registration application