Is it a genuine red dragonfly?
Look at the product number. The complete article number is basically: 2 digits +2 letters +5 digits =9 digits (such as 32aa1201), and the first digit of a special type is the letter y, such as Y2AD1210. In some cases, on the basis of this 9-digit article number, letters are added at the back to distinguish the same shoe type, different linings or tube types, which are mainly used for cotton shoes. Such as 32TD97 13 1R, 32td97131z. R and Z are just different in hair, one is artificial hair and the other is cashmere hair. Specific to the meaning of each letter and number, it involves trade secrets, hehe.
Second, the packaging is relatively simple. One side of the shoe box has a bar code and a simple description of the product attributes, and the bottom of the shoe box has the address and telephone number of the manufacturer. You can use the query software of your mobile phone to scan whether the products on the network are consistent with those in your hand. It is convenient to have information such as prices (prices will vary from place to place).