trademark authorization, also known as trademark license, means that a trademark registrant authorizes others to use his registered trademark by signing a trademark authorization contract. The licensee engages in business activities (usually producing and selling a certain product or providing a certain service) according to the contract, and pays the corresponding expenses-royalties to the licensor; At the same time, the licensor gives guidance and assistance in personnel training, organizational design, operation and management. The Trademark Law stipulates that the licensor shall supervise the quality of the goods in which the licensee uses its registered trademark. The licensee shall guarantee the quality of the goods using the registered trademark. Where a registered trademark of another person is used with permission, the name of the licensee and the place of origin of the goods must be marked on the goods using the registered trademark. The advantage of trademark authorization is that the licensee can obtain the right to use a trademark through specialized trademark authorization. With the popularity, good image and business philosophy of the trademark, his products can enter the market and be accepted by the market at lower cost, faster speed and lower risk, so that enterprises and products can quickly succeed.
Sales authorization means that you have full authority to sell in this region. People-oriented, the necessary power to complete a job is granted to subordinates. That is to say, the supervisor will transfer the decision-making power of handling personnel, spending money, doing things, negotiating and coordinating to the subordinates, not only granting power, but also entrusting the necessary responsibility to complete the work. Different levels in the organization have different functions and powers, and permissions will flow between different levels, thus creating the problem of authorization. Authorization is one of the important tasks of managers. Effective authorization is an important management skill. I hope the answer to the trademark graphic query of Social Standard Network can help you.