Hello, you cannot enter Tmall without a trademark. If you need a trademark to enter Tmall, the condition for entering Tmall is that you must have a trademark registration certificate or a trademark registration acceptance notice.
Method 1: Register by yourself
The cost is low if you register by yourself, and you can register your favorite brand. However, it currently takes about 1 year from registration to obtaining the trademark registration certificate. If you just get the trademark acceptance notice, it usually only takes about one month, and it can be accelerated, and it can be accepted within one week at the fastest.
Method 1: Transfer a registered trademark
There are several problems when transferring a registered trademark. One is the price issue. Usually the transfer price of a trademark ranges from several thousand to tens of thousands. , hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands. The second is the choice of trademarks. Faced with so many trademarks, it is still difficult to choose the one you like. The price is cheaper, and the name and brand are really not what you want; The transfer of third-party trademarks also has a cycle. Generally, it takes about 10 months from submitting the trademark transfer application to obtaining the trademark transfer certificate. Of course, it only takes about 1 month to obtain the transfer acceptance letter (if Tmall approves it) ) You need to consult Tmall for this.