Determine suffix: domain name consists of prefix, core and suffix. The prefix of the top-level domain name is www, the core is the part to be considered, and the suffix usually represents the nature of the website. If it is a corporate website, you can choose a website with suffix. Including Com website is the most commonly used. However, it is relatively difficult to register a. com domain name because of limited resources, while it is easier to register a. cn domain name.
Determine the core of the domain name: it is best to link the domain name with the content of the website or the name of the enterprise, which is more convenient for users to remember and can also increase our publicity. Domain name is also a symbol of an enterprise. A good domain name, like a trademark, can enhance the corporate image.
Check the domain name: Check whether the domain name has been registered before. If not, of course it's best. If so, you should also know the purpose of this domain name. Also, the domain name had better not be filed. Has been filed, to cancel the filing information, re submitted for the record.