TM is the abbreviation of trademark. American trademarks are usually marked with TM, which does not necessarily refer to registered trademarks. R is the abbreviation of REGISTER, which means registered trademark when used in trademark. According to China's Regulations on the Implementation of the Trademark Law, the use of registered trademarks can be marked with "registered trademarks" or registration marks on commodities, commodity packages, manuals or other accessories. Registration marks include (note plus 0) and (r plus 0). The use of a registered trademark shall be marked in the upper right corner or the lower right corner of the trademark. So TM and R are trademarks of different countries and have no special relationship.
After applying for a trademark, it can only be TM after receiving the acceptance notice issued by the State Trademark Office, and TM means that the trademark has been accepted by the State Trademark Office. However, it must be noted that TM does not mean that the trademark has passed, and the State Trademark Office needs to conduct substantive examination and confirmation.
TM is the abbreviation of English word Trade Mark, which is the abbreviation of English trademark. Because it takes a long time for a trademark to be accepted, publicized and approved, many people have already begun to publicize the trademark after receiving the acceptance notice, and they have been acquiesced.