International trademark inquiry course steps 1:
Check whether there are the same trademarks.
Inquire whether the same trademark is registered in the same product, service or industry.
The second step of international trademark inquiry course:
Analyze whether there are similar trademarks.
Inquire whether there is a similar trademark registration for the same product, service or industry. (Similar to trademark judgment, according to the trademark review standards and trademark law, let the examiner make a special analysis).
The third step of international trademark inquiry course:
Judge whether the trademark is reasonable and legal.
According to the trademark examination standards and the prohibition clauses stipulated in the trademark law, the rationality and legality of trademarks are judged.
The fourth step of international trademark inquiry course:
A registered trademark that saves time, effort and money.
At present, it takes about 1 year for a trademark to apply for registration. If the application for trademark registration is rejected, on the one hand, the trademark registration fee will be lost, on the other hand, it will take about 1 year to reapply for registered trademarks, and it is still unknown whether the reapplication can be approved for registration. It is the best way to save time, effort and money to improve the success rate of trademark registration by analyzing and querying trademarks.
The specific steps of international trademark inquiry Madrid trademark inquiry are as follows:
First, we open the intellectual property official website, and then open the Madrid trademark registration interface to find the query entry.
Please check the international registration announcement according to the displayed selection criteria.
(1) Line 1: Release date: select the year and issue number in the drop-down menu. For example, the forty-seventh issue of 20 1 1 was announced on 201115.
(2) Line 2: State/IGP. Only check the second item, Design, and select "China" and "China" in the drop-down menu. The query results will only include all international registrations in the designated China.
(3) The third line: summary. Select Register from the drop-down menu.
(4) Finally, click the "Submit" button and wait for a few seconds. All the international registration announcements for China will appear at the bottom of the page during the selected announcement period.
After clicking the design or international registration number of the selected trademark in the announcement list, a PDF file containing the detailed information of the corresponding trademark will be displayed, including the international announcement period number, announcement date, applicant's name and address, trademark design, list of goods and services designated for use, list of designated countries, etc. Objections should be made to our bureau within 3 months from the date of the second month of the international announcement 1.
Madrid trademark international registration procedure
First, entrust a trademark agency recognized by the state to handle it;
Second, the applicant goes directly to the Trademark Office.
When handling Madrid international trademark registration, you often need more professional knowledge, so the first method is more convenient.
Either way, it is the following three steps:
Prepare the application → submit the application to the International Registration Office of the Trademark Office → pay the registration fee according to the provisions of the fee notice.
(1) Apply to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce;
(2) After receiving the application documents with complete formalities, the Trademark Office shall register the application date, code the application number, calculate the fees payable by the applicant, and issue a Notice of Fees to the applicant.
(3) After receiving the notice of charge, the applicant shall pay the fee according to the amount as soon as possible, and the Trademark Office shall submit an application to the International Bureau after receiving the full remittance. If the Trademark Office has not received the remittance after two months, it will return the application documents and other attachments to the applicant without retaining the application date and application number.
Matters needing attention
Matters needing attention in international registration of trademarks mainly depend on the way you choose international registration and the country you need to choose to register. There are two ways of international registration of general trademarks: Madrid international application and individual registration. Madrid international application first depends on whether the country you choose is a member country, an agreement country or an agreement country of Madrid. The agreed country needs a domestic registration certificate to apply, and the agreed country needs a domestic registration acceptance notice; Advantages are relatively low cost and simple procedures, and several countries can be designated at the same time in one application, which greatly shortens the registration time. The disadvantage is that if it is rejected, the international bureau will not forward the examination or defense documents, and it needs to entrust the agency of the country. You don't need to go through any formalities in China to register one by one, but you can submit your application directly to the official institution of the applicant country. In this case, the cost will be higher, the procedures will be more complicated, and the time for registration review will vary from country to country, which will be relatively long.