Differences from the definitions of both parties: 1. Authorized trademark use: Trademark authorization, also known as trademark license, means that the trademark registrant authorizes others to use its registered trademark by signing a trademark use authorization contract. The authorized person engages in business activities (usually producing and selling a certain product or providing a certain service) as stipulated in the contract, and pays the licensor corresponding fees - royalties. At the same time, the licensor provides personnel training, organizational design, operation management, etc. guidance and assistance. The Trademark Law stipulates that the licensor shall supervise the quality of the goods used by the licensee using its registered trademark. The licensee shall ensure the quality of the goods using the registered trademark. If the registered trademark of another person is used with permission, the name of the licensee and the place of origin of the goods must be marked on the goods using the registered trademark. 2. Trademark use license: Trademark right is the property right that an enterprise enjoys over a registered trademark. However, in order for a registered trademark to become an industrial property right and create actual or obtainable benefits for the enterprise, it must be used. The use of a trademark first means that the trademark is directly attached to the product, product packaging or container and marketed in the market. In addition, the use of trademarks in commodity transaction documents, or for commercial purposes in advertising, exhibitions, and other business activities, also constitutes use. The use of a trademark can be either the trademark owner's own use or the trademark owner's licensed use by a third party other than the trademark owner. Trademark license is a very important right in trademark ownership. If used properly, enterprises can benefit a lot. Companies should pay attention to this.