English vocabulary related to international trade
accepting bank acceptance bank adept expert adulterated counterfeit
agreement agreement air parcel air parcel amendment amendment
< p>area area bankrupt bankruptcy beneficiarybilateral trade bilateral trade bill of landing bill of exchange bill of exchange
billing invoice blind competition vicious competition boom business is booming
< p>delay delay shoes store breakage breakageair cargo air cargo certificate of origin certificate of origin bulk cargo bulk cargo
discount discount business is inactive buyer buyer
p>cancel can not afford capacity
capture market strive for market certificate fee visa fee certificate of inspection
claim claim close customs clearance close date customs clearance date
close door collection collection confirm
commercial credit commercial credit commission consignee consignee
consumer consumer contract container container
costprice cost & freight cost & insurance cost & insurance
cost insurance & freight (CIF) cost insurance plus freight counter cargo counter
counterfeit Counterfeit customer customer customs customs
customer broker reporting bank dealer deferred payment delayed payment
deficit deficit
delivery date delivery from go down delivery
department store department store depression destination
direct trade direct trade distribution distribution documentary money transfer
documentary acceptance bill documentary payment bill payment bill
double check drawee payer dumping dumping
enlarge expand export exporter exporter
export declaration faulty goods foreign exchange foreign exchange
free on board (FOB, FOB price) gross weight handle with care handle with care
horizontal competition horizontal competition import import importer importer
import permit import license indirect trade indirect import inquiry sheet inquiry sheet
inspector inspector inspection sheet inspection sheet installment payment
international trade foreign trade international trade invoice
limited price loading port output port main mark positive mark
manufacture manufacturing margin in profit profit management management system
manufacturer manufacturer market market price mass production mass production
multilateral trade multilateral trade negotiated purchase netback price factory price
net weight no transshipment permitted no transshipment
nominal price notary notary offer quotation
on board shipped only one price open tender public bidding
rder order output output packing list packing list
partial loss payee payee penalty liquidated damages, fines
paying bank payment bank peak season peak season place of delivery delivery location
post office post office price bargain bargaining price cutting price reduction
price list price list process production control production control
proforma invoice (generally translated as "formal invoice" Abbreviated as "PI") purchase purchase
quality control received for shipment pending shipment reduced price
regular customer regular customer reorganization reorganization repacking refit
restricted tender price comparison resume business resume business retail
returned check refund retailer sales
rock bottom price lowest price sale on credit salesman salesman
sea ??port port service service segment delivery batch delivery
shipper cargo owner shipping advice shipping advice shipping company shipping company or shipping company shipping date shipping date shipping dock shipping dock
shipping document shoddy unpacking unpacking
shopping rush shortage yielding profit
show window slack season off-season special customs invoice customs special invoice specification standard brand Brand
steady stable stock inventory stylist style designer
supplier supplier
supply & demand supply and demand terminal market wholesale market
telegraphic transfer wire transfer (T/T) time of delivery delivery date trade company trading company
travelers checks travelers check title payable top quality superior goods
total loss trade mark trademark trial order trial sale goods
unfavorable trade balance deficit uniform invoice unilateral trade unilateral trade
warehouse warehouse unsaleable delay upset price reserve price
useful load wholesaler wholesaler letter of credit
revocable letter of credit irrevocable letter of credit
< p>sight letter of credit usance letter of credit usance letter of creditassignable letter credit transferable letter of credit unassignable letter of credit unassignable letter of credit
destination arrival port export declaration export application form quotation form quotation form