Construction-related trademark registration usually involves multiple categories, and the specific category selection depends on the scope and characteristics of the construction services you provide. The following are some common construction-related trademark registration categories:
1. Class 37-Building construction and repair services: including the construction, repair, installation and dismantling of buildings, and construction-related Services such as electrical installation, plumbing installation, etc.
2. Category 19 - Non-metal building materials: including non-metal building materials and components, such as stone, cement, glass, etc.
3. Category 6 - Metal Building Materials: including metal building materials and components, such as steel, aluminum alloy, etc.
4. Category 16 - Insulating materials for buildings: including materials used for building insulation and heat preservation, such as insulating boards, insulating paper, etc.
5. Category 17 - Sealing materials for construction: including materials used for building sealing and waterproofing, such as sealants, waterproof coatings, etc.
6. Category 35 - Building construction information and consulting: including information, consulting and management services related to building construction.
Please note that the above are just some examples of common construction-related trademark registration categories. The specific category selection should be determined based on the specific characteristics and requirements of the construction services you provide.
During the trademark registration process, it is recommended that you consult a professional trademark agency or lawyer to obtain legal advice tailored to your specific situation and ensure that you select the appropriate trademark registration category.
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