It is illegal to sell high imitation, and the specific infringement is the trademark law.
for the purpose of illegal profit, in industrial and commercial activities, in violation of national product quality management regulations, producing and selling fake and inferior commodities, seriously damaging the interests of users and consumers and endangering the order of socialist market economy, which should be punished by criminal law.
Recently, I saw a news that the basket spent more than 1 yuan to buy a LV bag with high imitation. At that time, it was found that the quality was not up to standard, and the customer refused to return it, so I contacted the media to put pressure on the merchant, who had to take the product off the shelf. I think it's really wronged that this matter was put on the shelves. Originally, the price was high imitation, but the buyer had to be so serious.
First, men are actually greedy for petty gains.
According to this man, he thought it was a LV when he bought it, and the price was over 12. At that time, he thought about how it was possible to have such a cheap LV, which was obviously impossible, but when he saw it, it looked like a LV. Later, after receiving the goods, he felt that something was wrong and it was highly imitated. He immediately contacted the customer service to return it, but the customer service refused to return it. It is estimated that men also want to be greedy and cheap, thinking that they can spend such cheap money to buy a real LV, but the merchants are not fools. Even if the true and false are mixed and sold, it is impossible for you to pick up such a big bargain.
Second, it's really hard for businesses now.
I have to say that businesses on all platforms are not doing well now. Some time ago, I saw a news that a man spent 5 yuan to buy Nike, and when he got home, he reported that the merchants were selling fakes. The merchants had to say that they didn't need to return the shoes and sent him 2 yuan cash. Nobody's money was blown by the strong wind. I think consumers should also understand that, after all, merchants pay more than 1 yuan for a penny, and they want to buy bags worth more than 1, yuan. I'm afraid they are not in daydreaming.
don't complain about everything. The merchants don't owe you anything. More than 1 yuan can't even buy a high imitation of LV. I really don't know what this man is thinking. Shopkeepers are really miserable. They are all people, so why bother to embarrass them?