Item 1 is fake, the leather tag is fake, and the pocket watermark is also fake.
Article 2 is also fake, the wash mark is fake, and the pocket watermark is also fake.
Furthermore, I looked at the items in their stores, and they were all fake. You can see that the brands and sizes in the two stores are so complete. It is impossible to sell genuine products like this, and it is impossible to have them. There are so many products in stock, or they are purchased on behalf of others, and the price is too cheap. You can see that the POLO they sell is fake. This is also the case at the second store. The jeans from NUDIE are very fake. You can’t buy genuine ones at this price. He It didn’t specify which model of pants it was.
According to the concept of one fake and all fake, the products in these two stores are unreliable. When buying things on Taobao, in addition to what you see, you also need to consider various factors, including other things in his store, Whether the credit is brushed, whether the evaluation is trustworthy, in short, these are all about slowly accumulating experience, and my personal experience is that if you have doubts, you can't buy.
When buying these things, you can generally go to forums and find purchasing agents to feel at ease.
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It's not the back pocket, it's the print inside the front pocket, like what was said downstairs. , you can’t buy genuine products at this price.
I forgot to mention one more thing, some online stores sell fake products with real pictures, but this picture is also fake.
In short, I tell you that the thing is fake. If you don’t mind, just buy it.