When registering a Class 21 trademark, you also need to name the trademark first, and then query the trademark through the official website to determine whether the trademark to be registered exists the same or similar trademark. Before registration, special attention should be paid to preparing the required materials to prevent the trademark application from being rejected due to irregular materials or incorrect information after submission. If you urgently need a Class 21 trademark, you can also choose to transfer the trademark to obtain the right to use the trademark.
Class 1.21 trademark transfer process:
The trademark transferor and the agency sign a trademark transfer power of attorney and a trademark transfer application;
Trademark transferee After the buyer agrees to the transfer, transfer the fees and provide valid identification (if the trademark demander is a natural person, provide a copy of the personal ID card; if the buyer is a corporate legal person, provide a copy of the company's business license);
Both parties to the trademark transfer sign a trademark transfer contract agreement;
Carry out trademark notarization;
After the trademark agency handles trademark notarization, the trademark agency needs to hand over the relevant information to the client, the original notarization certificate, and the transfer application. Letter. Letter of attorney. Letter of authorization to use trademark rights.
Trademark transfer documents must be signed or stamped by the trademark holder and submitted. The China Trademark Office handles the transfer procedures, and the trademark transfer time generally takes 3-6 months. However, this trademark can be used after the customer obtains trademark authorization and does not affect the buyer's application of the trademark, which takes about 7-15 working days.
7. During the examination process, the Trademark Office will issue a notice of hearing.
2. The transferor and transferee shall submit documents:
Trademark agency power of attorney stamped or signed by the transferee;
The transferor and the transferee A copy of the business license with the official seal of the person;
A copy of the trademark registration number/trademark application acceptance notice;
The trademark with the seals of the transferor and the transferee A transfer application form (provided by the agency).
Direct access to trademark supermarket: Class 21 trademark transfer