What kind of trademark does the website trademark registration belong to? First of all, Internet companies should register trademarks according to their core business scope.
Generally speaking, there are 9 categories, 35 categories, 38 categories, 4 1 category and 42 categories related to the core business of Internet companies.
The ninth category includes computer hardware and software. Among them, many contents in "090 1 Electronic Computer and its External Devices" involve computers, software, downloads and other contents, which are the "key concerns" of Internet companies.
Category 16, printed matter and paper media products. "1606 printed publications" and "1607 photos, pictures and drawings" will affect the materialization of the company's products.
Category 35, including advertising, business management, enterprise management, etc. , related to the advertising and business of Internet companies, so this kind of trademark registration is also very important for Internet companies.
Category 38, telecommunications. In the category of "3802 communication service", many small items including "computer-aided information and image transmission" and "computer terminal communication" are inseparable from Internet companies, which is worth noting.
Category 4 1, on the provision of training and cultural and sports activities. "Providing online electronic publications (non-downloading)" in "2 104 publishing service" and "Providing online music (non-downloading)" in "4 105 entertainment and sports activities" effectively protect the network services of Internet companies, and are also trademark types worthy of registration.
Category 42 includes the design and development of computer hardware and software. The category of "4220 computer programming and related services" is inseparable from the Internet industry. If the company is involved in programming, software, search engine and other related businesses, it must register the trademark of this category.
What kind of website does the above trademark registration belong to? The answer. After the trademark registration, the website operates well and has many benefits for the later stage of the website. Can expand business, but also have the opportunity of the rapid rise of the Internet. Need to know in time during the registration process. If you want to know more about trademark registration, welcome to intellectual property consultation. We provide one-stop service for trademarks.