IQ is a very magical thing. We often hear teachers say to parents, "Children are very smart and learn things quickly." This means that this student has a high IQ, so what is the normal IQ? What is the impact? What are the factors of IQ?
What is the IQ of a normal person?
There are two ways to calculate IQ: Ratio IQ: IQ (IQ) = mental age/chronological age Age 100 dispersion IQ: IQ - average IQ of this age / standard deviation of IQ of this age 15 (standard deviation of questions) 100 (average number of questions) East Asians (including Chinese, Japanese, Koreans) have the highest IQ in the world The average IQ average is 105, and the following rankings are Europeans (100) Eskimos (91) Southeast Asians (87) Native American Indians (87) Aboriginal people of the Pacific Islands (85) South Asians and North Africans (84) Saharan Africa People (67) Australian Aboriginals (62) The areas with the lowest racial IQ are the jungles of the desert plateau of South Africa and the Pygmies of the Congo rainforest with an average IQ of 54. What are the factors that affect IQ?
The following factors can affect IQ:
1. Heredity: Generally speaking, if parents have high IQ, their children will not have low IQ. This genetic factor is also reflected in blood relationships. Children whose parents are both locals have an average IQ of 102; children born to parents who married in other provinces have an IQ of 109; and if the parents are cousins, the number of children with low IQs increases significantly.
2. Breast milk: Breast milk contains a variety of active substances that promote children's intellectual development. In particular, taurine, which has an important impact on intellectual development, is 10 times higher than that of milk. According to surveys, children who grew up on breast milk have IQs about 3 to 10 points higher than those who grew up on milk substitutes.
3. Diet: Children who eat too much meat or are gluttonous will have reduced intelligence. The intelligence of children who skip breakfast will be affected. This is because the protein, sugar, vitamins and trace elements consumed in breakfast are all important ingredients for brain health.
4. Weight: Children whose weight exceeds 20% of normal children will have lower vision, hearing, and ability to receive knowledge. This is because too much fat in obese children enters the brain, which will hinder the development of nerve cells and nerve fiber proliferation.
5. Environment: Children who live in a boring environment, such as abandoned babies, do not receive maternal love and good education, and their IQs will be lower. According to research surveys, the average IQ of such children is only 60.5 when they are 3 years old. On the contrary, the average IQ of 3-year-old children in a good environment is 91.8.
6. Drugs: Certain drugs can affect children's intelligence. For example, long-term use of anti-epileptic drugs can lower IQ. After stopping the drugs for a few years, IQ will improve.