Voodoo dolls come from Thailand and are handmade by monks in Thai temples. The material is not ordinary wool, but wool spun with magical materials that are said to have magical powers. The weaving process It is very complicated. Only one complete yarn is used for one color, and the weaving method has strict regulations to ensure that no mistakes can be made. This kind of doll is not a toy mass-produced by a factory that we usually see, but a guardian spirit that has been given a special mission. Initially, these dolls had different shapes, no complete series and functional descriptions, and were not called "Voodoo dolls". They were generally used by Thai folk as amulets or to curse enemies. Later, as there were more and more stories about the magical manifestations of voodoo dolls, it finally attracted the attention of Saan_ha partnership Ltd., which hired professional designers to classify and improve these dolls according to different spells, while maintaining the original The materials and hand-made methods at the same time increase the beauty and give each doll a clear meaning, and launched the voodoo doll with the registered trademark "sann_ha". Due to its mysterious color and amazing effects, it quickly became popular in Southeast Asia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and even South Korea and Japan. The miraculous effects of voodoo dolls soon received more confirmed verifications. This further stimulated the popularity of voodoo dolls. In Taiwan, it is even a myth that one store's monthly sales exceeded NT$7 million (approximately 1.5 million RMB). Voodoo dolls have become a must-have protective spirit for urban white-collar workers and students. Its mysterious hand-made craftsmanship and special materials make those who use it convinced of its powerful power. CCTV's "Treasure Island Style" program once specially introduced a Taiwanese voodoo doll store. 0Il/qX[
Judging from the name, it is easy for everyone to associate “Voodoo Doll” with the Voodoo religion that originated in Africa. In fact, the true meaning of Voodoo Doll is not just a curse. and punish enemies, but more importantly, it plays a role in love, protection and psychological treatment. For yourself, your friends, your lover and your family, the voodoo doll can play a magical role in protection and psychological treatment. This is because of the magical power possessed by the doll. On the other hand, from the perspective of psychotherapy, owning it will make you feel better. You believe you are protected by the gods, which can relieve mental stress and increase your self-confidence. Nowadays, young people are facing cutthroat competition both in the workplace and in their studies, and their mental pressure is also increasing. The unique human care and spiritual stimulation of voodoo dolls is why everyone likes them.
There are many legends and superstitions about voodoo dolls, and their rituals are widely controversial. Most rituals are related to revenge, harm, and hatred, but there are also spells related to love, success, luck, health, protection, and warding off evil spirits. The use of voodoo dolls used to be a protected secret known only to a few magicians, but in recent years many books have been published that reveal the mystery of these dolls and how to use them for magical purposes. .
No matter what kind of material the puppet is made of - paper, wax, cloth, straw - the effects are the same. Dolls of various colors can also serve different purposes for people who believe in the power of colors. For example, red is used for love, black is used for hatred, green is used for money, yellow is used to protect or eliminate danger and evil, and pink is used to protect or eliminate danger and evil. Bring friends, or gain strength to achieve a special purpose, etc. (Supplementary: Another way of saying it is that black is used for curses, green is used for money, luck, gambling, pink is used for love and sex, and red is used for success and charm. , happiness, white for health and healing, yellow for dispelling evil and friendship) Dolls are usually symbols, it is the magician who infuses the power of will into the spell, bringing driving force to his intention. When a spellcaster buys a doll, he will add some items related to the caster object to the doll to increase its magic. For example, paste the other person's photo, wrap the doll with pieces of the other person's clothing, or cut slits in the cloth doll to stuff the other person's hair or nails, etc.
Generally speaking, the caster wraps the puppet tightly with a red rope, shouts the spell repeatedly, and then pierces the puppet (liver) with a needle or nail. In this way, the spell casting is completed.
The spells to attract money or similar things are as follows:
Come gold, come silver
Bring me hot or cold coins,
I need money, and I need it now
Let it come quickly, don’t ask me how to get it
The spell to attract love is as follows:
I see love, I hope for love
I hold love in my right hand,
Coming across the sea and across the earth,
I hold love in my left hand< /p>
Spells to curse enemies:
(name of person), (name of person)
I wish you would fall into a smoking stew,
I wish a black snake would bite you on the heel,
and a wasp sting you when you kneel,
a bed bug at night,
all of you Wrong, nothing is right
The spell of protection has a history of hundreds of years:
Keep me safe all night,
When the lightning is rolling and the thunder is loud,
Give me peace, give me courage,
When the lightning flashes and the thunder rolls,
The light from the evening prayers reassures me
Feeling Spells for when you are enveloped by the power of darkness:
Away, evil, go with you
Don't pollute my house any more
Come, Christ (Supplement: Those who do not believe in Christianity should use other alternatives), we welcome you
Come in quickly and close the door
It is recommended that you use the above spell. However, a serious magician can craft his own spells. You must be attentive when using puppets, suggestion is a powerful force that can make you successful in achieving your goals. When you try to cast a spell on someone, the person caught in the spell should know that the compulsive magical force is directed at them.
When you begin casting spells with a puppet, you should label it with a name on it and never remove the label or change the name on it. If the object or purpose of your spell changes, you must use a new puppet. If you are using more than one puppet, you must make sure each puppet has its name written on it before the spell begins. The ritual should be repeated every day for 9 consecutive days, or until your purpose has been achieved. Money, love, and protective magic should be performed when the moon changes from waxing to waxing (the first half of the lunar calendar); black magic for harm or revenge should be performed when the moon changes from waxing to waxing (the second half of the lunar calendar).