In a broad sense, "brand" is an intangible asset with economic value. It uses abstract, unique, and identifiable mental concepts to express its differences, thereby occupying a certain position in people's consciousness. reflect.
In the narrow sense, "brand" is a kind of "standard" or "rule" that has both internal and external aspects. It makes it unique by standardizing and regularizing concepts, behaviors, and vision. , a general term for an identification system that is valuable, long-term, and cognitive. This system is also called CIS (corporate identity system) system.
Trademarks are used by producers and operators of goods on the goods they produce, manufacture, process, select or distribute, or by service providers on the services they provide, to distinguish goods or services. Origin: a sign with distinctive characteristics consisting of words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs, sounds, color combinations, or a combination of the above elements, and is a product of modern economy. In the commercial field, trademarks include words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional logos and color combinations, as well as combinations of the above elements, which can be applied for registration as trademarks. Trademarks approved and registered by the state are "registered trademarks" and are protected by law. Trademarks protect trademark registrants by ensuring that they have the exclusive right to identify goods or services, or to license others to use them for remuneration.
"Brand" is not a "trademark". "Brand" refers to the symbol of a product or service. The symbolic identification mark refers to the "trademark". The areas covered by the brand must include goodwill, products, corporate culture and overall operational management. Therefore, brand is not a simple symbol, but the overall competition of an enterprise, or the sum of its competitiveness. The brand not only includes the "name" and "logo" but also extends to the series' two-dimensional visual system and even three-dimensional visual system.