Trademark is a limited resource. For buyers, only by obtaining a trademark can they protect their brand. Most of the time, it is because the trademark has been registered and you have to go through trademark transfer to obtain a satisfactory trademark. For sellers, trademarks are virtual assets with a certain value. As long as they can find a suitable buyer, they can obtain considerable profits through trademark transfer. It is precisely because of such market demand that a large number of trademark transfer transactions occur. So what is the process for transferring imported lubricant trademarks? Intellectual Property Rights will introduce to you the process of trademark transfer of imported lubricants.
The process of transferring imported lubricant trademarks is cumbersome, and the specific operations are as follows:
1. Application: The transferor and the transferee should sign a transfer contract or agreement. After signing the contract, both the buyer and the seller must apply to the Trademark Office at the same time. The "Trademark Transfer Application" can be obtained from the Registration Hall of the Trademark Office. If an agency is entrusted to handle the application, the agency will provide the application.
2. Acceptance: The Trademark Office will accept the application after receiving the application from the trademark assignor and assignee. It should be noted that the Trademark Office no longer issues a "Trademark Acceptance Notice".
3. Review: The Trademark Office will review the compliance and legality of the transfer materials submitted by both parties. It will take 4-6 months to complete the transfer.
4. Issuing a transfer certificate: After the Trademark Office completes the review, it will publish an announcement and issue a "Certificate of Approval of Transfer of Registered Trademark" to both parties. The transferee will enjoy the exclusive right to the trademark from the date of announcement. The date marked on the "Certificate of Approval of Transfer of Registered Trademark" is Effective date of transfer registration.
Do you think that the process of transferring imported lubricant trademarks is a bit troublesome and very professional? However, most companies or merchants will purchase transferred trademarks instead of registered trademarks. Firstly, registered trademarks cannot be 100% guaranteed. The second is to purchase the trademark and use it immediately, so you can quickly enter the market and gain business opportunities. If you don’t have your own trademark, your brand cannot have exclusive rights, let alone be protected by law. Trademarks are a company's passport in the market, an important bargaining chip for companies in business wars, and the best choice in the eyes of consumers.
For trademark newbies, these things can easily make mistakes due to unprofessionalism, leading to failure in trademark protection. It is recommended to find a professional agency to save money, trouble and worry. It is recommended that you choose the official website of intellectual property for agency. It has rich experience in intellectual property and will protect your trademark transfer. Lubricant trademark transfer Lubricant trademark transfer process