You can apply for trademark information correction to fill in the trademark registration information. 1. Trademark correction Trademark correction refers to changes in the trademark, application name, address, etc. due to text errors in the application documents during the trademark process. If it is a written declaration, correction is more convenient and can be actively resolved through the "Trademark Correction Application" procedure. The premise is that a copy of the business license is submitted when the written declaration is submitted. The copy of the business license can prove the authenticity of the clerical error. sex, the Trademark Office will correct it based on the correction application. In addition, if the Trademark Office finds anything during the review, it will also make corrections. This is a passive revision solution. 2. Withdrawal of trademark registration application If the application is submitted online, correction will be very troublesome. Since the online application does not submit the applicant's business license information, the modification of the applicant's information cannot go through the correction procedure and must be processed "Withdraw the trademark registration application" for the trademark, and then re-apply with the correct name of the trademark applicant. 3. Submit modifications on the official website of the Trademark Office. Log in to the China Trademark Network, fill in and submit the "Incorrect Trademark Data Change Form" in the "Error Information Feedback" column set on the "Trademark Query" page, and feedback the relevant error information. The Trademark Office will make timely modifications after verification.