The seller is a specialized brand store. If you want to gain the trust of consumers, you may need to apply for a special brand black label. The application of this logo also requires certain conditions, but it is of great significance to the future development of our store. If it is a well-known brand, the system will even give you a black label directly, because these good brands enter the Pinduoduo platform, and the platform is willing to support them.
If your brand name is not particularly famous, then your black label, basically, your store should have a stable output value and stable sales volume every month, and even 5, or even 1, will directly give you a black label. If you are not famous at all, it is just a trademark. If you want to have something like a black label, then even if your monthly sales are 12,,3, or even 1 million, you can only have such a black label.
Related information
If the so-called "brand" black label in Pinduoduo is supported by traffic, then well-known brands have a certain popularity. This popularity varies in size, but it still exists. Only such brands, er, black labels are supported by traffic and weighted by traffic.
if you are just a basic trademark, then you also have a black label of' brand', which is not famous at all. You can't have any traffic support. Your only advantage is that. That is, when signing up for large-scale activities, they will be reviewed first. It's that simple.