About the product details page of 1688 store, this is the most important stage for Alibaba to seek transformation after the drainage stage. Whether the product details page is done well or not largely determines whether your customers will consult you or buy you.
Many companies on Alibaba often refer to Taobao's decoration and details page. In fact, the content of Alibaba's details page is very different from that of Taobao. So you just need to refer to some high-quality shops on Alibaba, see how their details pages are made, and do it in combination with your own product characteristics and enterprise situation.
Regarding the pictures on the details page, the pictures can be on a white background without any modification or embellishment. If your product is white, the background color of your picture can be black and gray. Products need to be photographed by artists, including front view, side view and top view of products. These pictures are all used for drawing. Never add a watermark to the picture after uploading it to the details page, such as xxx Co., Ltd., which is too ugly.