I remember I bought a leather bag online. When I came back, I found that the trademark of the leather bag was different from what I saw on the Internet. Although the appearance of the bag is no different, the label is different, and the product name can't be scanned by scanning the barcode. So I thought it was a fake product. After communicating with the merchant, I returned the bag.
I think as a businessman, we should operate in good faith and provide what kind of goods we provide to our customers, and we can't sell dog meat by hanging sheep's head. You can get away with it if you meet an accommodating customer, but if you meet a serious customer like me, this product will definitely not be sold, and I will never buy anything in your store again. After a long time, I will suffer.
Therefore, no matter what goods you buy, you must see them clearly. If the goods we buy do not match the actual description, we must communicate with customer service and ask the other party to give you a reasonable explanation. If the explanation doesn't work, we must safeguard our own rights and interests. You can't go shopping in a muddle, but you should clearly understand consumption.