The skin care product trademark pattern is:
1. Tongrentang cosmetics products have the effect of reducing spots and moisturizing. The trademark imitates the shape of the Han Dynasty tiles, with the word Tongrentang Ren in the middle of the circle. There are two symmetrical dragons on the left and right. These two dragons are actually the image of clams drugged in traditional Chinese medicine. It is estimated that the designer was taking this medicine when he got the idea.
2. Pechoin cosmetic products have the effect of reducing spots and moisturizing. The green color of Pechoin’s trademark represents life and the purpose of green and environmentally friendly products. The blue color represents hope and the prosperity of the company. The logo uses graphics and SPDC fonts. The Chinese name of the brand is composed of white letters on a blue background in the center of the graphic, and the graphic is composed of English letters and leaves.