Refers to the best consumption period of the product.
1 Meaning
The meaning of the shelf life on food labels refers to "the date on which food quality is guaranteed under the conditions specified on the label. Food that has exceeded the shelf life may still be edible." . The "specified conditions" mentioned above generally refer to storage methods, such as ventilation, dryness, coolness, etc. The food is fully suitable for sale and consumption during the shelf life. Foods that have exceeded their shelf life can still be eaten if their color, aroma, and taste have not changed. For example, beer that has exceeded its shelf life can still be drunk if it does not lose its luster, cloudy sediment, or peculiar smell, etc.
2 Article 28 of the "Food Safety Law" stipulates that "the production and operation of the following foods are prohibited: (8) Foods that have exceeded the shelf life."
1) Shelf life in GB 7718-2004:
The period during which prepackaged food maintains its quality under the storage conditions specified on the label. During this period, the product is fully fit for sale and retains its unique qualities that do not have to be or have been stated in the label. Beyond this period, prepackaged foods may still be edible for a certain period of time.
2) Shelf life in GB 7718-2011:
Delete: Beyond this period, prepackaged foods may still be edible within a certain period of time.
Basic requirements (4.7, 4.8 in GB 7718-2004)
1) Basic requirements in GB 7718-2004:
Label content of prepackaged foods Standard Chinese characters should be used, excluding registered trademarks.
2) Basic requirements in GB 7718-2011:
Standard Chinese characters should be used, except for trademarks. Various artistic characters with decorative functions should be written correctly and easy to identify
3 Prepackaged food labeling standards
On May 13, 2011, the Ministry of Health issued GB7718-2011 "Prepackaged Food Labeling Standards" "Food Labeling Standards", which redefines shelf life. The definition of shelf life in the new standard is: the period during which prepackaged food maintains its quality under the storage conditions specified on the label.
Attachment: The national food authority has made the following regulations on the shelf life of some foods:
1. Alcohol: The shelf life of bottled ordinary cooked beer is 2 months, and the shelf life of special beer is 4 months. ;Bottled grape sherbet wine for half a year.
2. Beverages: juice soda, fruity soda, and cola soda. The shelf life is 3 months in glass bottles, 6 months in cans, and 6 months in glass bottles.
3. Canned products: the shelf life of canned fish, meat and poultry, and glass bottles is 2 years; the shelf life of canned fruits and vegetables, glass bottles, is 15 months; the shelf life of fried dried fruits, tomato paste, iron cans, and glass bottles 1 year; 1 year for tinplate canned milk powder, 9 months for glass bottles, and 4 months for 500g plastic bags.
4. Sugar: biscuits in tinplate barrels for 3 months, plastic bags for 2 months, and bulk for 1 month; chocolate and sandwich chocolate have a shelf life of 3 months, pure chocolate 6 months. 1 month for bulk; 6 months for condiments such as soy sauce and vinegar.