Neutral packaging means that the country of production, place of origin, factory name, trademark and brand number are not indicated on the internal and external packaging of goods. Brand neutral packaging means that the manufacturer's country, place of origin and factory name are not indicated on the internal and external packaging of goods, but the trademark or brand designated by the buyer should be indicated. Neutral packaging, that is to say, there is no sign of origin and exporter inside and outside the packaging. Neutral packaging includes unlicensed neutral packaging and brand neutral packaging. The former means that there is no name of the country and manufacturer, no trademark and no brand on the package. The latter means that there is only the trademark or brand designated by the buyer on the package, but there is no name of the production country and manufacturer.
Brand packaging should of course highlight the brand name of the manufacturer. The purpose of good brand packaging is to distinguish your own products from other local products and attract consumers' attention. Let consumers have the desire to buy as soon as they come into contact with the voice of * * *. Highlight the brand effect and increase the reputation of manufacturers.