The first thing is to understand this industry. Choose a location with a relatively large resident population and corresponding purchasing power.
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1. Prospects of laundry chain operation model
Mainly It is a service for the maintenance of high-end clothes that satisfies people For the pursuit of high-quality life, with the development of economy, people's consumption power will gradually increase, and the demand for dry cleaning will also increase day by day. Finally, based on the development trends and service targets of the dry cleaning industry, the dry cleaning industry still has great potential in our country.
2. Dry cleaning shop
Refers to a business form that specifically provides clothing washing services to the public. Dry cleaning service providers combine their own developed product systems, service systems, technical systems, and brands. The system (including trademarks and trade names) is transformed into clean and re-wearable clothes in a service-oriented form, extending the service life of the clothes and ensuring the beauty of the clothes.