gold is like gold, and jade is like jade. Proverbs
Eight ripens, one hundred percent gains; Ten mature, twenty percent lost. Take the helm calmly, but take the boat safely. White rice is delicious, but grain fields are hard to grow. Even if it rains for a hundred days, it is better to see it once it is clear and smell it, and it is better to do it once it is seen. The black sheep spend money like dung, and the family cherishes dung like gold. Help people to the end, save people to the end. Help others forget, others help themselves remember. The sword front comes from sharpening, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold. Bring enough food for hunger and an umbrella for sunny days. It's easy to get sick if you drink and eat, so you can keep healthy regularly and quantitatively. No discussion behind your back, no opinion to your face. Stupid people get up first, and stupid birds leave the forest early. A fast horse whipped is a busy man looking for something. Ask questions while learning, and you will learn. Illness starts from the mouth and cold starts from the feet. A close mouth catches no flies. If you are well, you will not be treated, and no one will be treated next time. When you are in a hurry, you burn incense at every temple. Diseases come on horseback, but go away on foot. The patient has many hearts and many busy people. Catch up while it's sunny, study while it's young. If you don't take three risks, it's hard to practice courage. If you don't take care of yourself, you don't know that the rice is expensive. If you don't raise your children, you don't know that your parents don't take off your shoes until you get to the river. If you don't get ready, you won't uncover the pot. Don't pretend to know, forever useless. No rules, no Fiona Fang. Don't burn incense to offend god, don't talk to offend people. People who can't do small things can't do big things. Don't scatter eagles until you see rabbits. Without winter cold, I don't know if spring is warm or not. No grinding, no refining, no sweat. I'm not afraid of Pepsi's disadvantage, I'm afraid of being discouraged, I'm not afraid of not knowing the goods, I'm afraid of comparing the goods. Not afraid to wear it late, but afraid to take it off early. I am not afraid of being poor at home, but I am afraid of being lazy. I am not afraid of the long road, but I am afraid of being old. I'm not afraid of chaos, I'm afraid I won't investigate. If you are not afraid of slowness, you are afraid of standing; One stop, two and a half miles. Not afraid of old age, but afraid of lying down. If you are not afraid of disrespect, you are afraid of being dishonest. I'm not afraid of being uninvited, but I'm afraid I'm not skilled. If you are not afraid of high mountains, you are afraid of weak feet. I am not afraid of the hardships of teenagers, but I am afraid that I will be poor when I am old. If you are not afraid of difficulties, you are afraid of being lazy. Not afraid of freezing in the cold, I am afraid that my hands and feet will not move. I am not afraid of failing to learn, but I am afraid of being insincere. Not afraid of shallow knowledge, but afraid of short ambition. Not afraid of 1 thousand, just in case. Nothing attempted, nothing gained. You don't know the weight if you don't carry the burden, and you don't know the distance if you don't walk long. If the old dog barks, he gives counsel. Don't be fooled if you don't want to be cheap. If you don't laugh, you won't live.
There is no hog-eating hog in the trough, and the spoils are unevenly distributed. If grass does not germinate unintentionally, if people do not develop unintentionally. The greedy man has no food at home, and the lazy man has no firewood at home. There is no winner in gambling. Often scold not surprised, often fight not afraid. It is often said that the mouth is smooth and the hands are not stupid. I often think about it all the time, but I don't think about it all the time. The Yangtze River does not refuse trickle, and Mount Tai does not choose earth and stone. May is long, October is short, and February is not long or short. The eldest brother is like a father, and the older sister-in-law is better than the mother. Someone in the court is good at being an official, and a dog at home looks after the door. In the end, everything will work out. Cars have lanes and horses have roads. Support dysentery, hungry typhoid fever. Support the brave and starve the timid. A scale can weigh the weight, and words can inspire people. Although the weight is small, it can weigh a thousand pounds to eat without speaking and sleep without speaking. Eat and drink, people go downhill. Eat to prevent choking, walk to prevent falling. Eat soup first, and you won't get hurt when you get old. Eat like a dragon and act like a worm. The steamed bun eaten is not fragrant, and the sugarcane chewed is not sweet. If you eat wine instead of vegetables, you will get drunk quickly. Eat rice with chaff, and everyone is healthy. Eating someone's mouth is short, taking someone's hand is short. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. It is better to work late than early, and it is better to work hard than to work skillfully. The feet are shorter and the inches are longer. It is unfilial to spoil a dog on the stove. Sweating is not windward, walking is not concave. Three days after becoming a monk, the Buddha is in front; After being a monk for three years, the Buddha was in the west. Go out and watch the sky, stir-fry and watch the fire. Depend on friends when you go out and parents at home. Go out and ask for directions, when in Rome, ask the customs. The bow of the boat sits firmly and is not afraid of the wind. The ship is loaded with a thousand pounds and one person is at the helm. A sore is afraid of fame, but a disease is afraid of anonymity. It takes a hundred years to start a business and a day to lose it. A man who boasts about himself is propagating his ignorance. Cleverness lies in learning, and genius lies in accumulation. It's easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. One year from childhood to different years from old age. Simple tea and bread can support people, while rags and trousers can keep out the cold. Rough meals support people, and rough work benefits the body. Thick silk is difficult to weave fine silk, and rough people are difficult to do fine work. Every inch of grass is cut three times, and less material is long and fat.
well water that can't be pumped is inexhaustible strength. Ask the woodcutter for firewood, ask the ferryman for strength when driving a boat, and be wise when catching monkeys. You can't persuade one side to fight, and you can't look at people. Hit the snake seven inches, dig the root before digging the tree. Strike while the iron is hot, and the crops are in a hurry. The fisherman never leaves the water's edge, and the woodcutter never leaves the hillside. Fishing depends on the net, and fighting wolves depends on the stick. Think big and start small. If you don't walk on the road, you will make a nest, and if you don't sing good songs, you will forget more. Garlic is a treasure, and it is good to eat it often. The king is easy to see, but the kid is hard to find. Careless loss of Jingzhou, pride loss of street pavilion. No monofilament makes a line, no single tree makes a forest. Dare to travel all over the world, timid and unable to move, play the piano and know each other, and talk intimately. When it is interrupted, it will be chaotic. The authorities are confused, and the bystanders are clear. When you use it, you don't hesitate to spend ten thousand dollars, but when you use it improperly, it costs nothing. Don't talk short in front of dwarfs. Knives will rust if they are not sharpened, and people will fall behind if they don't learn. What kind of firewood to cut on what mountain, what kind of hammer to use at what temperature. The road is made by people, and the road is rolled by cars. Although the road is close, it is impossible; Small as it is, it can't be done without it. If the light is not turned on or off, it is unclear whether it is reasonable or not. The light doesn't work, and someone needs to dial it; It's unknown. Someone needs to say it. Drops of water become rivers, and grains of rice become baskets. Brothers do not bully their neighbors, and they will not bully their neighbors. Love oil when lighting a lamp, and love cattle when plowing. The less you use things, the more you learn. Eating radish in winter and ginger in summer keeps the doctor from prescribing. Now that winter has arrived, can spring be far behind? In winter, wheat is covered with three layers of quilt, and next year, I sleep with steamed bread under my pillow. Acne should be knotted and hemp should be discharged. I don't want to read, so I scratch my boots. Reading requires heart, and a word is worth a thousand dollars. Gambling is scolded by everyone, and reading is praised by everyone. Carry somebody else's bowl and take care of them. More timely rain and less Monday morning quarterback. If you do more injustice, you will commit suicide.
the heart of the wicked is a needle in the sea. Evil is rewarded with evil, and good with good. I can't help my son, and my daughter can't help my mother. When children are separated, trees are divided. Ears are not bored, eyes are not seen, and eyes are not greedy. Hearing is empty, seeing is believing.
Walk a hundred paces after dinner and live to ninety-nine. A bowl of soup before meals makes me angry. Let the tiger go back to the mountain, and there will be future trouble. Anger begins with stupidity and ends with regret. Many bees make kings, and many people make generals. I am not afraid of evil, and I am not deceived when I am good. The rich celebrate the New Year, and the poor pass.
interlacing is like a mountain. Sharp tools make good work. Dogs walk towards the fart, and people walk towards the potential. A dog jumps over the wall and a man hangs on the beam. Dogs remember the road, cats remember the home. Girls talk about embroidery, while scholars talk about articles. Drums don't ring, clocks don't ring. If the drum doesn't knock or ring, it's unclear whether it's reasonable or not. The drum should hit the point and the flute should blow to the eye. Take the alley in the wind and the street in the rain. Melons are not round, and people are not perfect. A good boy looks at it, but a fool looks at it late. Guan Xi went out to be a general, and Guan Dong went out to look good. Officials are not greedy for money, and dogs don't eat shit. It is better to make friends than to choose friends, and it is better to visit friends than to be a teacher. The pot doesn't leak, and the words don't penetrate. The country is confused about its good looks, while the family is poor about its good wife. After the awn seed, you can't plant it strongly. Talk less and do less. Cold starts from the first step and fire starts from the head. A talented person comes from a cold door, and a handsome bird comes from a high mountain.
Delicious and sweet, looking for a sugar seller; Delicious and sour, find someone who sells vinegar. Proverb
start with the advantages and think about the disadvantages. Good dogs don't jump, good cats don't bark. A good dog doesn't bite a chicken, and a good man doesn't beat his wife. A good drum will ring as soon as it is played, and a good light will light up as soon as it is dialed. A good man protects three villages, and a good dog protects three neighbors. A hero dies on the battlefield, and a lazy man dies on the kang. Good flowers are invincible, and good things are not bad. A good memory is not as good as a bad writing. Good wine makes people look good, and wealth makes people feel good. Many hospitable friends talk nonsense. Good non-stop, good cattle plow. Good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles. Good things don't lie to others, and it's not good to lie to others. Good iron needs three heats, and good books need to be read a hundred times. Good seedlings are planted, and good trees bear good peaches. Monks don't talk about ghosts, there is no rice in the bag. The river is long and the beach is long, and the road is long and tortuous. There are two sides to a river, and there are two sides to everything. Tigers are not afraid of mountains, and fish are not afraid of water depth. It is easy for tigers to hide when they eat people, but it is difficult to prevent people from eating people. When the tiger arrives in nave, the family is ruined. A tiger is thin and ambitious, but a man is poor and ambitious. Tigers die without deformation, and wolves die without change. It's hard to draw a picture of a tiger, but it's hard to know a person's face. Don't say die, don't take the road. Too much talk is not sweet, too much glue is not sticky. You can play and calculate, and money and food keep coming. You will blame yourself, not others. If you can't pass the meeting, you should raise less goods. You can make people laugh, but you can't make people jump. Say what you can, say what you can't. He who laughs laughs laughs last. Sitting who can write, standing who can sing. It's not difficult to get things done without wet wood. The fire warms the chest, and the wind blows the cold behind it, burning a large area, and the water flows in a line. Fire should be hollow, and people should be humble. The more the fire burns, the stronger the man becomes. It's not a loss to buy three goods, and it's no stranger to walk three times.
Three years of good deeds are unknown, and one day of evil deeds is known far and near. Every little makes a mickle, and every evil makes a curse. Squeeze sores without leaving pus to avoid secondary pain. Home-cooked meals are delicious, but it is difficult to make them. Everything is prosperous at home. Family members talk in one ear and outsiders talk in Jin Zijing. There are thousands of people in the family, and one person is in charge. An old family is like a treasure. Listening is bright, but listening is dark. Don't be afraid of the strong, and don't bully the weak. Ginger is old and spicy, and vinegar is old and sour. Make friends, water trees and roots. Pride comes from shallowness, and arrogance comes from ignorance. Feet are stained with dew, and mouth is always causing trouble. Teach people to teach their hearts and water their flowers and roots. He who tied the bell must untie the bell. Give up drinking and giving up smoking. If you drink wine today, you will drink cold water tomorrow. Don't waste water near the river, and don't waste firewood near the mountain. Birds can be heard near the mountain, but fish can be known near the water. You live with a lame, you will learn a limp. It is better to believe in books than to have no books. Frequently used keys are always flashing. Dig a well three times to eat sweet water, and people will be well informed in three provinces. The more the well is dug, the clearer the water is; The more things are laid out, the more rational they are. Always think about yourself when you are quiet, and don't talk about people. Although the glass is small, it drowns people. Save people to the end and ferry to the shore. He who has made up his mind to succeed is already half done. When a gentleman takes revenge, it's not too late for ten years.
if boiling water doesn't ring, it won't ring. The first meal is delicious, but the first words are hard to say. Chop wood up the mountain, catch birds and eat vegetables in the tree, and tailor it to suit your needs. Look at yourself, a flower; Look at others, bean curd residue. There are sick people on the kang and worried people on the ground. Relying on mountains to eat, relying on water to eat. Mean doesn't make money, honest doesn't lose money. It's better to say it than to be there, but it's better to gamble than to hear it. A fast horse needs no whip, and a drum needs no heavy beating. Lazy people do a lot of things in the fields, and lazy donkeys put more shit on them. Lazy people are anxious in their mouths, and diligent people are anxious in their legs. Lazy people use long lines, while fools use curved needles.
No matter how high the waves are, they are at the bottom of the ship; No matter how high the mountain is, it is also at the foot. The prodigal son never changes his gold. Labor makes wisdom, and practice makes true knowledge. When the old cat is not at home, the mouse climbs up the house. Cold porridge and cold rice are delicious, but cold words are uncomfortable. It's not strange that many people are polite, but too much oil will not spoil the food. Stand like a pine, sit like a bell, lie like a bow, and walk like the wind. Force is great, but courage is great. A good word warms three winters, and a bad word hurts people in June. Good medicine tastes bitter and is good for illness, but advice when most unpleasant is good for action. A large amount of happiness, a wide heart and a wide house. A good neighbor is priceless. The shepherd would rather lose the wool than the sheep. A rolling stone gathers no moss. It's not hot in June, and the grains don't bear fruit. Without clouds, fish can't live without water. The road is uneven and everyone steps on it; If things are unfair, everyone should take care of them. Take off your shoes early when the road is wet. A man knows his companion in a long journey and a little inn. There are thousands of roads, only one reason. After the donkey rides, before the horse rides, the mule rides in the middle of the waist.