2. A trademark applying for international registration must have started certain trademark registration application procedures in China. From September 1 2008, the country designated by the applicant for protection is a member of the Madrid Agreement, and the trademark applying for international registration must have been registered in China; The country designated by the applicant for protection is a pure member of the Madrid Protocol, or a member of the Madrid Agreement and the Madrid Protocol. A trademark applying for international registration can be a trademark that has been registered in China or a registered trademark.
3. The application for international registration shall be consistent with the national basic registration or basic application. The name of the applicant for international registration shall be exactly the same as that of the domestic applicant or registrant; The address of the applicant shall be exactly the same as that of the domestic applicant or registrant; The trademark shall be exactly the same as that registered in China, including the same color; The declared goods and services shall be the same as those registered in China or within the scope of goods and services applied for or registered in China. Where the same trademark of different categories of goods or services is applied for or registered in China, an application for international registration can be submitted when applying for international registration, and different categories of goods or services declared in China can be filled in the application for international registration in the order of categories.
4, meet certain conditions can claim priority. When applying for international registration, if the time interval between the applicant and the domestic application for trademark registration does not exceed six months, the applicant may claim priority when applying for international registration, but shall provide a copy of the domestic acceptance notice.
5. The application for international registration will not be accepted.
If it does not conform to Article 6, Article 2, Article 3 of madrid agreement concerning the international registration of marks and its Protocols or one of the detailed rules for implementation, the Trademark Office shall not accept the application for international registration of the trademark.
6. After the expiration of the validity period of the international registration, if it is necessary to continue to use it, it should be renewed.