Ancestor: Date Aizune
Father: Date Harumune
Mother: Kubohime
Brother: Iwaki Chitaka
p>Brothers: Ryuto Masaki, Ishikawa Akimitsu, Kokubu Morishige, Sugi Naomune
Sisters: Anami Hime (Nikaido Moriyoshi's wife), Date Minoru's wife, Koyagawa Morimune's wife , Hikohime (Ashina Morihiro's wife → Ashina Moritaka's wife), Satake Yoshijuge's wife
Lead wife: Mogami Yoshihime
Sons: Date Masamune, Date Masamichi (Date Kojiro), Date Hideo (concubine, the 15th abbot of Daibeiwanji Temple, the 14th abbot of Edo Nakano Hosenji Temple)
Female: Senkohime, female (unknown name)