Hello, color combination trademarks, as the name suggests, refer to "trademarks composed of two or more colors." More specifically, a color combination trademark is a trademark that is composed of two or more colors in a certain proportion and in a certain order. The basic element that constitutes a color combination trademark is color, and it is two or more colors. It is a newly added content in the new Trademark Law that color combinations can be registered as trademarks separately as trademark elements. Unique and novel color combinations can not only give people a sense of beauty, but also have distinctiveness, can play a role in indicating products or sources, and can also play a role in distinguishing producers, operators or service providers.
① The trademark must consist of two or more colors.
② The two colors must be arranged in a certain order.
Color combination trademark
③ Color combination trademark does not limit the specific shape. Its shape generally varies with the shape of the product itself. For example, the bronze and black color combination trademark of the "Duracell" battery is composed of two colors, arranged in the order of bronze anode and black cathode. This color group covers the entire battery, and its shape is determined by the shape of the battery. of.