Wang Zhaojun said goodbye to his friends, left Chang 'an, crossed the surging Yellow River, crossed the vast mountains and came to the grassland. She distributed the precious gifts she brought to her Xiongnu compatriots, which was welcomed, loved and trusted by the people.
Wang Zhaojun overcame all difficulties and gradually got used to the climate where the weather was freezing and the wind and sand covered the sun. Like the Huns, she lived in an igloo, wearing fur, eating mutton and drinking Luojiang. It is said that after she arrived in Xiongnu, she took good care of the people and taught local women weaving, sewing and agricultural production techniques, which was very loved by the people. It should be said that Wang Zhaojun is a beautiful, upright, idealistic, knowledgeable and well-understood woman. Facts have proved that Zhaojun's departure from the fortress promoted national unity, communicated national feelings and developed national friendship, which made an indelible historical contribution to the reunification of multi-ethnic groups in China!
Wang Zhaojun was ranked as the first of the four beauties in ancient China, and finally lived a free and happy life by his own efforts, while the other three all died because of lust, which was far from being compared with Wang Zhaojun.
Some people say that Wang Zhaojun is an unfortunate woman. She was forced to marry Shan Yu because she couldn't bear the feudal oppression, and sacrificed her personal happiness for the benefit of the country. It is impossible for her and Khan to have love, and they have suffered all kinds of hardships in the palace and the desert all their lives, so personally, there is no happiness. According to historical records, Wang Zhaojun died in 31 BC after three years of marriage, and the son of Da Chang was made Khan, who wanted to marry Wang Zhaojun according to the Xiongnu custom of "marrying his mother". This contradicted the feudal ethics, so Wang Zhaojun wrote to Emperor Hancheng asking to return to the Han Dynasty. But in the end, Wang Zhaojun set out from the overall situation, put national interests first, and respected the customs of Xiongnu.
It is true that Wang Zhaojun was persecuted by feudal society, but how many ancient women in China were not oppressed by society? In the Western Jin Dynasty, Shi Chong, a rich man, even killed three innocent maids to please his guests. (See "Twenty-four Histories of Jin") But I personally think it is unfounded to say that she and Khan have no love and can't talk about "happiness" all their lives. Regardless of what "love" and "happiness" are, let's just say that in ancient China, people always get married first and then cultivate their feelings. Living with Khan may not necessarily lead to "love". In addition, Wang Zhaojun volunteered. As far as she is concerned, it is better to rush out and achieve something great than suffocate in the deep palace. In fact, she did. Didn't she give up the superior living conditions in the palace and go to the grassland to pursue freedom and happiness? Besides, under the conditions at that time, it was necessary to show great political courage and extraordinary courage. Wang Zhaojun is really a wise woman in China through the ages!
Remarks: I wrote this article with reference to the Twenty-five History of Han Dynasty, the General History of China and other historical books.
Brief introduction of Wang Zhaojun: Wang Zhaojun was one of the four beauties in ancient China, a palace maid in the Han and Yuan Dynasties, and a native of Zigui (now Xingshan County, Hubei Province).
Wang Zhaojun's life: Wang Zhaojun was elected as a palace maid in the Han and Yuan Dynasties. Although its appearance is outstanding, but because of its noble character, it is not like others using various means to seek the emperor's favor, so "after entering the palace for several years, I can't see the royal family and accumulate sadness and resentment." In the first year of Jingning (the first 33 years), Uhaanyehe, a Xiongnu, came to the DPRK to ask for a kiss, and Zhaojun volunteered to marry the Xiongnu. Later, Uhaanyehe named him "Ninghu E Shi". Wang Zhaojun and Uhaanyehe had a son named Yi Tu Zhi Dentist, who later became the right day to chase the king. After Hu Hanxie's death, Wang Zhaojun remarried and had two daughters, the eldest of whom was to be the second, and the second was the second. After Wang Zhaojun's death, he was buried in "Qingzhong" (now south of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia).
unofficial history, Wang Zhaojun
The story of "sinking fish and falling geese"
It is said that when "Zhao Jun went out to the fortress", Wang Zhaojun was on his way to the desert, sad about his own fate and being far away from his hometown, so he was bored at once and played "The Song of the Seizure". And the geese flying over the horizon, hearing the bitterness and sadness of the tune, were deeply grieved and fell to the ground one after another. Therefore, the "wild goose" in "sinking fish and falling wild goose" got its name.
The record of Zhaojun in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty
Zhaojun is a native of Nanjun. At the beginning, in Yuan Di, he was elected to the court with a good family. When Han Xie came to the DPRK, the emperor gave it to five maids. Zhao Jun was a few years old when he entered the palace. He was not allowed to see the royal family, and he accumulated sorrow and resentment. He asked the court to order him to do it. Calling Han Xie to leave the meeting, the emperor called five women to show it. Zhaojun's rich and beautiful ornaments, Guangming Han Palace, Gu Jingpei back, moved around. When the emperor saw that he was frightened, he wanted to keep it, but it was difficult to break his promise, so he made peace with the Xiongnu. Give birth to two sons. And call Korea evil death, its former E Shi son generation, want a wife, zhaojun wrote to return, into the emperor-to follow the customs of Hu, then after the resumption of Khan E Shi.