Trademark registrations are permanent, do not allow duplication, and are protected by copyright. This setting can prevent the proliferation of counterfeit products. "R" is the abbreviation of the English register, which means registration.
The "R" in cosmetics is surrounded by a circle. Any product with this mark indicates that the production channel is formal, the quality is trustworthy, and the after-sales service is guaranteed. It is definitely not a three-nothing. Counterfeit products can be used with confidence.
In addition to "R", common logos in cosmetics also include "TM". "TM" is the abbreviation of English trademark and represents the trademark symbol. "TM" represents the manufacturer and has filed an application for trademark registration with the National Trademark Office Registration Office, but it is still in the decision-making period. In order to prevent the duplication of trademarks, the Trademark Office allows the company's products to be produced with "TM" first and put on the market.
In comparison, products with the "R" logo are the most reassuring to use. Products with the "TM" logo can also be used, but the reassurance is not satisfactory enough. If there is neither the "R" word nor the "TM" logo on the cosmetics, it is best not to use such products, as the risks are too great.