the supplier is not responsible for all damages caused, incidental and accidental by the distributor or its customers.
the distributor shall be solely responsible for additional guarantees and other obligations, and shall not ask the supplier for reimbursement. The distributor shall be responsible for all statements or speeches that are not explicitly recognized by the supplier. The Distributor agrees to compensate the supplier for all expenses (reasonable lawyer fees are not limited to this) and exempt the supplier from liability for the damages and liabilities caused by violation of Article 6 of this clause.
overseas mobile phone manufacturers, which rank first in the world, unanimously adopt Guang Lai
Guang Lai Electric's headquarters is set up next to a large mixed apartment in the business district near Wufantian Station of JR Yamanote Line. No matter from its appearance or height, it is an extremely ordinary manufacturer headquarters building. However, if you enter the lobby on the first floor, you can see the strength of Guang Lai Electric, which has personally developed more than 5, kinds of products and is called the connector mall.
In many glass windows arranged in rows on one side of the hall, connectors of different sizes are displayed. Micro connectors below .5 mm can also be seen in it.