When preparing for any exam, it is especially important to know whether there are changes to the exam materials. The asset appraiser exam has become very popular in recent years and has a certain degree of difficulty. The timetable for the asset appraiser exam has been released. Most candidates are more concerned about topics related to the exam textbooks. So, have the asset appraiser exam textbooks changed much? What are the preparation strategies? Let’s find out together!
Has the asset appraiser exam teaching materials changed significantly?
The asset appraiser exam includes four subjects, namely "Basics of Asset Appraisal" and "Asset Appraisal Related" Knowledge", "Asset Appraisal Practice I" and "Asset Appraisal Practice II". The "Asset Appraisal Basics" exam teaching materials have changed by about 40%; the "Asset Appraisal Related Knowledge" exam teaching materials have changed by about 40%; the "Asset Appraisal Practice 1" exam teaching materials have changed by 40%; the "Asset Appraisal Practice 2" exam teaching materials have also changed 40%.
Overall, the changes in the examination materials for each subject of asset appraisers are about 40%, so the changes in the examination materials are still relatively large. Candidates need to pay special attention to those parts of the textbook that have changed. These contents are often where questions are likely to arise.
Asset Appraiser Examination Preparation Guide
1. Pay attention to the changes in the exam textbooks and do more exercises on important test points
Compared with last year’s Asset Appraiser Examination textbooks , the changes are relatively large, and candidates should pay attention to those changes when preparing for the exam. According to the pattern of question setting in previous years, changes in the teaching materials are often the test points, so candidates are advised to:
When preparing for the exam, pay attention to the changes in the exam teaching materials, study and understand them in depth, combine the exam syllabus, summarize important test points, and do targeted exercises , To consolidate knowledge points, the foundation must be laid well, so that later review can achieve twice the result with half the effort.
2. Use mind maps to review and summarize question-answering techniques
How to prepare for the asset appraiser exam? According to the characteristics of each subject of asset appraiser, it is recommended that candidates use mind maps to review and study every time In a new chapter, list the mind map of the corresponding chapter, summarize the important test points, and summarize the skills discovered during the test in a timely manner. For wrong questions, sort out the correct answer ideas in a timely manner, master the methods, and constantly check for omissions and fill in the gaps.
3. Summarize the directions of past questions and master the problem-solving ideas
Although the asset appraiser exam is difficult to a certain extent, if you master the correct preparation methods, you can often get twice the result with half the effort. Candidates are advised to:
Summarize the question direction of previous years’ real questions, grasp the rules, analyze the problem-solving ideas of various typical questions, and comprehensively apply various knowledge points.