Product identification means that the trademark of the product is incorrect.
Product identification refers to the trademark of the product. The so-called product identification refers to the general term for the relevant representations used to identify the product and its features and characteristics. Product identification can be represented by words, symbols, logos, marks, numbers, patterns, etc. Product identification is provided by the manufacturer. Its main function is to indicate relevant information about the product, help consumers understand the quality status and other relevant conditions of the product, explain the correct use and maintenance methods of the product, and guide consumption. According to the characteristics and usage requirements of different products, product identification can be marked on the product or on the product packaging. Improper product labeling instructions or intentionally deceptive labeling will mislead consumers and harm their interests; improper labeling of products involving human health and personal and property safety may also cause serious consequences that endanger personal and property safety. . Therefore, producers and sellers should ensure that product labels comply with specified requirements in accordance with the law.
Thirty-six members of "Tiangang Star":
1. Tiankuixing...Hubaoyi...Song Jiang.
2. Tiangang Star..