Nowadays, whether companies are newly established or preparing to start a business, they are beginning to pay attention to trademarks, and registered trademarks are also a new trend. However, as more and more trademarks are registered, the chances of successful trademark registration are also decreasing.
The nice names may have been registered, so what should I do? You can’t just not use a trademark. If you choose a similar trademark, you may get involved in a trademark dispute. Now you can also choose to purchase trademarks, which is equivalent to trademark transfer. Through trademark trading, you can purchase trademarks that are suitable for your own use and are idle by others. Choose a trademark agency to give you a different trademark.
Now let’s talk about the procedures for purchasing a trademark:
1. A power of attorney signed or stamped by the trademark transferee.
2. A copy of the trademark transfer agreement signed or stamped by both the transferor and the transferee.
3. A trademark transfer application signed or stamped by the trademark transferor and transferee.
4. A copy of the trademark transferor’s business or legal person ID card.
5. The business license of the trademark transferee or a copy of the legal person’s ID card and the individual industrial and commercial household registration certificate.
6. A copy of the trademark registration certificate or the person accepting the application.