The scope of foreign trademark registration can be a single category or a full category, depending on the applicant's choice and needs, as well as the rules stipulated in the trademark laws of each country or region.
In some countries or regions, trademark registration is carried out according to the classification system of goods and services. This classification system divides goods and services into different categories, each with associated fees. Applicants may choose to register a trademark under one or more specific classes.
However, there are also some countries or regions that allow trademark registration for all categories. This means that applicants can register a trademark under all categories of goods and services to ensure full protection of the trademark.
It should be noted that full-category trademark registration usually requires higher fees because it covers more categories. In addition, full-category trademark registration may require more preparation and supporting documents to prove the true and effective use of the trademark under each category.
Therefore, when applying for foreign trademark registration, it is recommended to carefully study the trademark law regulations of the target country or region and choose the appropriate trademark registration scope based on your own needs and budget.
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