Explanation of color code [color code] Any color system used for marking purposes (such as marking dangerous areas in a factory) Explanation of word decomposition color è The light emitted and reflected by an object is visually detected Impression produced: Color. color. Hue (刵). Hue (刼). The expression and appearance on the face: complexion. complexion. The color is sharp and the inside is soft. Scene, scene: in a hurry. The scenery is pleasant. Category: Various supplies. Quality, interpretation of quality standard (standard) ā The end of the tree, extended to the surface, not fundamental: specimen. Treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. Notation: Trademark. road sign. mark. logo. ruler . slogan. Indicate with words or other things: indicate. title. List price. To flaunt (originally means to reveal and express; later extended to mean to promote and brag).