According to Article 25 of my country's "Regulations for the Implementation of Trademark Law", when transferring a registered trademark, the trademark registrant shall transfer the same or similar trademark registered on the same or similar goods together. If the transfer is not completed, the Trademark Office shall notify the party concerned to make corrections within a time limit; if no correction is made within the time limit, the application for transfer of the registered trademark shall be deemed to have been abandoned, and the Trademark Office shall notify the party concerned in writing. From a practical point of view, if the trademark registrant does not transfer the same or similar trademarks registered on the same or similar goods, the registrants of these same or similar trademarks may be different, making it impossible for consumers to distinguish and distinguish the origin of goods. In order to prevent the occurrence of these problems, the Trademark Law and its implementing regulations stipulate that when a registered trademark is transferred, the trademark registrant shall also transfer the same or similar trademark registered on the same or similar goods. This provision also applies to the transfer of exclusive rights to registered trademarks. According to Article 26 of the "Regulations for the Implementation of the Trademark Law", if the exclusive right to a registered trademark is transferred for reasons other than transfer, the same or similar trademark registered by the owner of the exclusive right to the registered trademark on the same or similar goods shall be and transfer; if not transferred at the same time, the Trademark Office shall notify the party concerned to make corrections within a time limit; if no correction is made within the time limit, the application for transfer of the registered trademark shall be deemed to have been abandoned, and the Trademark Office shall notify the party concerned in writing.