To register a trademark internationally through Madrid, the applicant's trademark must be a registered trademark in its country of origin (that is, its own country) or a trademark that has been notified of acceptance.
Step 2 submit an application
Sign the Trademark Power of Attorney with our company, and then fill in the relevant documents of international trademark registration provided by our company, and please provide two copies of domestic trademark registration certificate or acceptance notice/trademark pattern. If it is a color trademark, four kinds of color trademark patterns should be attached. The date of application for international registration of trademarks is the date when the Trademark Office receives the application documents. If the application procedures are complete and the application documents are filled in as required, the application number shall be determined, and the Trademark Office shall send the application documents (in English or French) to the International Bureau within 30 days;
3. After receiving the application for international registration, the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization considers that the procedures are complete and the categories and names of goods and services are correctly filled in, so as to register them; If the formalities are incomplete, the registration shall be suspended and the Trademark Office shall be notified. The Trademark Office shall notify the applicant or agent to go through the formalities within 15 days after receiving the notice from the International Bureau; If the application meets the requirements of the International Bureau after examination, the international registration certificate of the trademark shall be issued after the application has been or will be submitted to the designated country for examination. The international trademark registration certificate is not a certificate that the trademark has been approved for registration; Its significance lies in that the international registration number and date are the basis for the applicant to carry out a series of activities such as post-trademark designation, change, transfer and renewal.
4, designated country review
Whether a trademark can be registered in each designated country must be examined by each designated country.
5. Agreement and agreement review.
The countries designated to protect the trademark when applying for international registration will decide whether to protect the trademark according to their respective domestic laws and need to report to the.
The international bureau announced that it should be rejected. According to the agreement, the time limit for declaring rejection is at most one year, that is, if the designated application for protection is not rejected within one year, the application will be automatically protected (according to the provisions of the Protocol, member States can extend the time limit for rejection to 18 months as needed). From the date of international registration, if the rejection notice of the agreement country is not received within 12 months or within 18 months, it means that the trademark has been automatically protected in the agreement country or the agreement country.
6. Time and cost of trademark application
If the registration application is successful, it takes 18-24 months. After successful registration, the validity period is 10 year. There is no official receipt for the Madrid trademark international application, and the relevant authorities will directly issue the registration certificate. Please call our company to inquire about the cost of international registration and retrieval of Madrid trademarks.