Xalloy copper-aluminum alloy
Xanadu mansion, palace, paradise
xanthochroni n. blond Caucasian
xenidium Plywood
xenocurrency n. Foreign currency (circulated outside the country of origin)
xenogeneic adj. [Biology] heterogeneous allogeneic
xenogenetic adj. ] Naturally occurring
xenon n. Xenon (a type of inert gas, element symbol Xe)
xenophobia n. fresh flowers
xerantic adj. dehumidifying, drying
xerocopy n. (static) copy
xerodermia n. xeroderma, xeroderma
xerography n. >
Xmas n. Christmas
xylene n. [Chemical] xylene
xylitol n. [Chemical] Xylitol
xylograph n. Woodblock print
xylophone n. -RAY X-ray