First of all, you can directly choose the trademark registration in the United States and handle it through the local trademark authority in the United States, that is, the Trademark Patent Office in the United States. This method can only register American trademarks, followed by the international registration of trademarks in Madrid. As a contracting country of the Madrid Agreement, the trademark registration in the United States can be carried out in the form of designating a protected country by the international registration of trademarks in Madrid. This method can register trademarks of multiple countries together. Therefore, it can be carried out according to one's own enterprise situation.
The application procedure for trademark registration in the United States: the trademark query searches the applied trademark to confirm that the structure of the trademark is similar to or the same as that of the trademark previously applied for or registered in the United States. After the applicant or his entrusted agent submits the application documents to the US Patent and Trademark Office, the application procedure for trademark registration in the United States can be handled.
The US Patent and Trademark Office that accepts the receipt of the trademark application can examine whether it meets the basic requirements for trademark registration. Issue a notice of acceptance to the applicant within one month from the date of filing the application after passing the examination. After the substantive examination has passed the above examination, the US Patent and Trademark Office will ask the examiner to further examine the trademark and decide whether the trademark can be registered.
If not, the auditor will notify the applicant in writing of the reasons and request it to be amended, but the applicant must reply within six months after receiving the notice. If it fails to reply or reply in time, The auditor will refuse to apply for a trademark. If the applicant is not satisfied with this judgment, he can appeal to the Trademark Review and Appeal Board for relief. If the auditor thinks that the application for trademark registration is acceptable, he will publish an announcement in the official trademark journal of the United States. During this period, anyone can raise an objection. If the application for trademark registration is not passed, the applicant can apply for an objection. If the objection application is not established, the applicant will not establish an objection application in the objection application, or it will apply for an objection by default.