The top ten sports brands in the world are: Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Puma, Fila, Mizunon, Umbro, Back to Back, Diadona, and Lotto.
1. NIKE is headquartered in Portland, Oregon, USA. The company produces a wide range of sporting goods, such as clothing, footwear, sports equipment, etc. NIKE is a world-famous sports brand. Its original meaning in English is the Greek goddess of victory, and its Chinese translation is Nike.
The Nike trademark pattern is a small hook. Nike has always regarded it as its glorious mission to inspire every athlete in the world and provide them with the best products. Nike's pioneering air cushion technology brought a revolution to the sports world. Sports shoes manufactured using this technology can protect athletes' knees well and reduce the impact on the knees when they land during strenuous exercise.
2. Adidas (Adidas) was founded in 1949 and is a member company of the German sporting goods manufacturer Adidas AG. Named after its founder Adolf Adi Dassler, footwear production began in Herzogenaurach in 1920.
Registered under the name adidas AG on August 18, 1949. Adidas was originally founded by two brothers. After they parted ways, Adolf's brother Rudolf Dassler opened the sports brand Puma. Its classic advertising slogan: "Nothing is impossible". In March 2011, it spent 160 million euros to launch a new slogan-adidas is all in.
In June 2017, adidas was selected into the "MIT Technology Review's 2017 list of the world's 50 smartest companies". July 19, 2018, 2018 Fortune Global 500 list Released, adidas ranked 480th. In December 2018, the "Top 500 World Brands 2018" compiled by the World Brand Laboratory was announced, and adidas ranked 49th.