1. After the trademark is approved for registration, if the name, address or other registration information of the trademark registrant changes, the trademark registrant shall apply to the Trademark Office for corresponding change procedures. Since the implementation of the Trademark Law Implementation Regulations on September 15, 2002, for trademarks that have been applied for but have not been approved for registration, you can also apply to the Trademark Office to change the name, address, and agent of the applicant, or delete the names in the registration application. Specify the product. If the exclusive right to use a trademark is transferred due to a business merger, merger or restructuring, the transfer procedures must be completed. If the name of the trademark registrant is changed, the exclusive right to use the trademark will not be transferred.
2. There are two ways to apply for changing the name, address or other registration matters of the trademark registrant:
(1) Entrust a nationally recognized trademark agency to handle the matter.
(2) Applicants should go directly to the trademark registration hall of the Trademark Office to apply.
3. The application documents that should be submitted are:
Change application form (choose the form according to the specific content of the application);
The identity of the applicant Copies of supporting documents (copy of business license, ID card, etc.);
If you entrust an agent, submit a "Letter of Agency", and if you apply directly in the acceptance hall, submit a copy of the person in charge's ID card;
If you apply to change the name of the registrant, you must also submit a change certificate issued by the registration authority;