Question 1: There are several types of e-commerce. Business to Business (B2B) B2B e-commerce has existed for many years, in which businesses use private networks or value-added networks (VAN). , business activities conducted using EDI are particularly typical. C Business to Government e-commerce (Business to Government, B2G) This business activity covers various matters between enterprises and government organizations, such as government procurement, online customs declaration, online tax declaration, online approval, etc. D Consumer-to-government e-commerce (Customer to Government, C2G) This model refers to the business activities of the government to individuals, such as the distribution of social welfare funds and personal tax returns. E E-commerce between consumers (Customer to Customer, C2C) refers to transactions between consumers, online auctions and online (2) Classification according to the operation mode of commercial activities A Complete e-commerce: refers to business activities All links are realized electronically B. Incomplete e-commerce: refers to some links in business activities being realized electronically (3) Classified according to the scope of electronic transactions A Local e-commerce B Long-distance domestic e-commerce C Global e-commerce (4 ) Classification according to the content of business activities A Direct e-commerce B Indirect e-commerce Classification of e-commerce First, according to the business model of e-commerce, it can be divided into the following categories 1. B2B: business-to-business e-commerce model. It is divided into e-commerce models between specific enterprises and e-commerce models that are not divided into specific enterprises. 2. B2C: business-to-consumer e-commerce model. 3. C2C: consumer-to-consumer e-commerce model. 4. G2C: e-commerce model between *** and individuals