After receiving an infringement complaint, if there is no appeal or the appeal is unsuccessful within 3 working days, penalties will be implemented.
Penalty types are divided into two types, improper use of other people's rights and selling counterfeit goods
1. Improper use of other people's rights means that the user will deduct two points for each of the following behaviors:< /p>
(1) The seller improperly uses other people’s trademark rights, copyrights and other rights in the product information published or the store name and domain name used;
(2) The seller sells goods Suspected of improper use of other people’s trademarks, copyrights, patents and other rights;
(3) The product information released by the seller or other information used causes confusion, misunderstanding, or unfair competition among consumers. . Complaints made by the same rights holder against the same seller within three days are deemed to be one complaint.