2. Treat guests with courtesy. Wang Song Anshi's "Mourning Zhong Yong": "The people in the city are strange, and they are his father's guests."
During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, envoys sent by other countries were often called. "The Analects of Confucius Gongye Chang": "Chiye, with the establishment of the dynasty, can make the monarch talk with the guests." Star Ice Book: "It can make the big guests and small guests of neighboring countries respond with words." Historical Records Biography of Qu Yuan and Jia Sheng: [Qu Yuan] entered the country to discuss state affairs with Wang Tu in order to give orders; When you go out, you will meet distinguished guests and associate with princes. Liu's "Preface to the History of Articles": "Today's examinees, who are entrusted with etiquette duties, are mainly pedestrians, emcees and officials, and all guests are respected."
4. Refers to your distinguished guests, counselors, etc. Historical Records Biography of Hengshan Mountain in Huainan: "The king of Huainan was overjoyed, leaving behind the wealth of the marquis of Wu 'an, welcoming guests behind the scenes, and obeying the people for rebellion. "Sima Zhen Suoyin: Yunan has trained thousands of scholars, eight of whom are extremely talented."
5. After the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was the title of the population attached to the aristocratic family. "The Biography of Ma Yuan in the Later Han Dynasty": "In order to help Sanfu develop fertile land and make Taike complain, he wrote to beg the emperor to leave the land as a forest garden." "The History of the Three Kingdoms, Biography of Wei Zhi and Li Dian": "Canon is made by the father, heroic, and thousands of guests follow his surname." Guo Moruo's Historical Draft of China, Part III, Chapter 6, Section 2: "With the development of powerful landlord forces, the number of dependent farmers is increasing. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Tu, Fu, Yi Fu, Ke, Jia Ke, Ke and Ge were all different names for Fu Nong. " Original note: "The' guest' of the powerful landlords in the Eastern Han Dynasty was not completely dependent on the peasants, but it was sometimes called' guest'."
6. Official name. The provincial name of prince guest. It was first set up in the Tang Dynasty and abolished after the Ming Dynasty. Tang Yuanzhen's "Tombstone Inscription of Gong Xue in the East of Guyuezhou and Yushi Hecheng River in Tang Dynasty": "Five people in the punishments department, the final guest, the final suggestion, the eldest son of the punishments department." Tang anonymously wrote Yuquanzi: "Cui Chu is a guest teacher." "Zi Tongzhi Tang Jian Taizong Zhenguan Seventeen Years": "I am ugly, and I beg Sun Chang Wuji to be the teacher of the prince ... I would like to advise the doctor Chu Suiliang to be the guest of honor." Hu Sansheng's note: "The prince's guests have only three things. In ancient times, there was no such official position before the Tang Dynasty. Take care of the attendants and praise etiquette. "